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5 Things to Know Before Hiring a Building Construction Executive

Posted on Monday, January 16th, 2017 at 6:32 am    

A smart recruiter understands that an organization is as good as its team members. And that is why they always look for the people who are fit for the position and would be committed towards the growth of the organization. But this is only one aspect of the hiring process. Along with technical skills, there are other factors to consider. Whether you are hiring construction executives or any other team members, here are a few factors to consider before you do that:

1. Evaluate their Attitude
Construction projects can be very demanding. And it is impossible to keep up with the demands if the construction executive doesn’t have the right attitude. As a hiring manager, it is thus essential to check whether the construction executive has the right attitude that supports the goals and visions of the organization. They must be brimming with tenacity and positive attitude. This helps them handle unexpected challenges that arise during a construction project.


2. Communication Skills
Effective communication skills are essential for construction executives. They deal with a number of people at the same time and continuously communicate their ideas and concepts to others. Any miscommunication can completely ruin a construction project. Before hiring a building construction executive, it’s imperative to check whether he/she is able to clearly communicate or not. Check both written (through e-mails) and verbal (through telephonic or face-to-face interactions) communication skills.

3. Look for Potential of the candidate
The job of a construction executive is highly technical. And it is natural that as a hiring manager you want someone with tons of experience and technical knowledge. However, this doesn’t mean that one can overlook a potential candidate with loads of drive. See whether the dedication and determination of the candidate can be beneficial and relevant for your organization or not.

4. Go for a trial
Only one interview is not sufficient to determine whether a candidate is fit for the job or not, especially when hiring a building construction executive. Before you hire the executive permanently, go for at least a month-long trial. This will help you evaluate his/her performance and also check whether that person is fit for the position or not.

5. Clearly State the role
Define the roles and responsibilities clearly. From conducting pre-construction client surveys to maintaining project costs and budget, a building construction executive performs a number of tasks. And these details are to be communicated in details before they start working. This will help you evaluate whether the candidate is able to meet the requirements or not. Also, this serves as a guide to them.

Taking time before hiring a building construction executive makes your team much stronger in the long run. Hopefully, these tips will be helpful for you. In case you are looking for good construction executive search firms in Florida, get in touch with us at www.constructionhunters.com.

Tips on Selecting Great Construction Headhunters

Posted on Tuesday, January 10th, 2017 at 7:55 am    

To maximize the value of their team, construction companies must ensure that they have the right set of skills and experience. And this is where construction headhunters can help you. Working with engineering executive recruiters is a smart decision by executives who do not want to waste time and energy of their internal staff. However, to select the right staffing agency, consider the following factors:

1.    Check for Specialization
Before you hire staffing agencies, check whether they are specialized firms or not. If the company is looking for skilled jobs such as engineering executives, it is best to select specialized engineering executive recruiters.  Candidates with specialized expertise are high on demand and thus, are difficult to find. Specialized staffing agencies offer targeted and high-skilled candidates than generalist agencies. Moreover, they also understand and have in-depth knowledge of the requirements of the company.

builders-1825689_6402.    Look for Experience
Check for how long the staffing agency has been in the market. Any business that has been in the market for several years, have undoubtedly had great professional connections. Construction headhunters that have years of experience are working with a number of valuable clients for long and have excellent reach. They always have specialized candidates who are willing to work. This saves a lot of time.

3.    The verification Process
Find out how the staffing agency verifies its candidates. Majority of the staffing agencies test the candidates to determine what kind of expertise, technical skills and knowledge they have. Review their tests and find out whether they are specific enough for the available positions in your company. Ask them whether they can accommodate any changes recommended by you or not.

4.    Understand the costs
Get a detailed information regarding the costs.  Different type and levels of services come with different prices. Many hiring agencies charge a flat placement fee and many others charge a specific percentage from the wage of the employee (depending on whether he/she has been hired on permanent or temporary basis). Before you take any decision regarding hiring an agency, clarify the costs.

5.    Understand the Recruitment process of the agency
Find out what are the recruitment process and to what extent these processes are active or passive. Do they maintain any database? If yes, then check that. What are the compensation and benefits packages they offer to attract the best candidates? Is it in alignment with your company policies?  Also, review the screening process used by the staffing agency to shortlist candidates. Check whether it is enough to get you high-quality candidates or whether you need to make any changes or not.

Whether you are in the construction business or in any other type of industry, success is only ensured when you hire the right people in the right positions. Hopefully, these pointers will help you hire the best recruiting agency. For any further assistance, contact us at Constructionhunters.com.

6 Traits of a Construction Project Manager

Posted on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016 at 6:13 am    

Great construction project demands the efforts of a successful team, timely completion of a number of associated tasks. But, none of these tasks are possible without the leadership of a great project manager. A successful construction project manager is one who can lead and oversee a project from its beginning to end. They have a sound methodology and diplomacy to handle challenges. Here we discuss a few traits of a successful construction project manager:

1.     They are strong Communicator
Poor communication, leading to distorted data or misunderstood facts can spell doom for any construction projects. Good construction project managers are master communicators.  They know how to convey messages to their team members and clients. They know how to communicate ideas to get decisions made and resolve conflicts.

construction project manager

2.    They have a clear vision
Good project managers can effectively cultivate clear visions about a construction project and can develop a mission-driven mentality. Often, a construction project manager faces a situation where they have to take an immediate decision regarding an ongoing project or deliver a particular project within a strict budget. Such tasks are not easy in most of the cases. Despite all these obstructions, good project managers have a clear picture of where they are heading. They are committed to their vision and explore ways to realize that. They take care of each obstacle that can divert them from their goals.

3.    They are Pragmatic
Though a good project manager has great analytical skills but, too much analysis can slow down the pace of work. What is required is a perfect balance of analytical skills and pragmatism. Good project managers are focused on completing their projects in the best possible way and within the given timeframe and resources.

4.    They are technically sound
Good project managers are experts in their domain. A construction project demands sound technical knowledge and understanding of complex designs and calculations. Good project managers are adept in handling all kind of required technical and design tools and have a deep insight regarding the best practices of the industry. This helps them take strategic decisions and initiative as and when required.

5.    They are filled with Enthusiasm
No construction project can meet success unless the people working on it are enthusiastic about it. Successful project managers are always enthusiastic about the projects they are working on. Enthusiasm is contagious. An enthusiastic project manager can effectively infuse his/her team member with the same enthusiasm and optimism.

6.    Problem-solving Skills
Successful project managers are also great problem solvers. Every construction project can face some sort of challenges and obstacles at any phase. Projects managers have this innate ability to identify any hidden problem and take quick action to avoid worst case scenario.

These pointers will help you understand the must have traits of a construction project manager. If you are planning to hire project managers for your construction company, connect with us. We are one of the best project manager recruiters and have been providing construction employment services successfully. Contact us at 214-935-3626.

Tips on Selecting an Engineering Staffing Agency in Texas

Posted on Monday, December 19th, 2016 at 5:54 am    

Hiring staffing agencies is the best way to meet the personnel demands of your company. But, there is a broad difference between hiring a staffing agency and hiring the right staffing agency. Both carry out the same work but the right staffing agency is more likely to meet your exact demands and get you the best talents. Here are a few tips on how to select the best engineering staffing solution in Texas or any other state:

1.    Do they match your needs?
Engineering is a highly specialized job and it calls for specialized candidates. Before you hire a staffing agency, find out whether they cater to your industry or not. Do they understand your personnel requirements? Find out whether the agency has large networks or not and what are their focus areas. Good construction and engineering headhunters have a focused approach and have an in-depth knowledge about the market. They have a pipeline of candidates, ready to meet the demands presented by the clients.

Engineering Staffing recruitment

2.    Check their Reputation and Experience
Before you hire an engineering staffing agency, check their reputation in the market. Every staffing agency claims to be the best but it’s up to you check whether they can back up their claim or not. To attract the best talent for your construction firm, look for an agency that has been in the hiring business for long. Experienced staffing agencies usually share a good rapport and connection with the leaders in the industry and have access to a wide range of talents. These are the agencies that attract the most skilled profiles. You can even check with the companies they have hired for.

3.    Does the Agency conduct an appropriate background check?
The depth of background investigation varies from agency to agency. Before you hire one, find out how the staffing headhunters perform a background check? How they verify the candidates? No matter how much tough may be the screening process the chances of slips are always there. How the agencies handle such situation?

4.    Understand how the Agencies identify candidates
Find out how the staffing agencies are hiring candidates. What kind of medium or advertising they are using to attract the best talent pool? Do they use online staffing websites, social media sites? Do they participate in job fairs or advertise in the newspaper? The mode of operation will help you understand whether the agencies are reaching out to a wide range of talent pool or not.

5.    Check their guidelines
Every staffing agency has a model of standards and guidelines for hiring process. Ask the agency what kind of guidelines, standards, and values do they follow? It is essential to determine the characteristics they demonstrate while doing business.

These pointers will help you select the right engineering staffing agency. In case you are looking for engineering staffing agencies Texas or in New York, contact us today at www.constructionhunters.com.

How to Hire Good Building Construction Executives?

Posted on Monday, December 12th, 2016 at 6:40 am    

Finding the right building construction executive is a time consuming and delicate process. First, you identify the right candidate from a large pool of candidate; then you find whether your needs and goals are aligned or not. And finally, you offer the candidate a good pay package. It isn’t that smooth as it sounds. There are a lot of factors to consider before you take a final decision.

A proper hiring process for construction executives involves a lot of steps. This includes:

1. Determine What you want
Before you hire building construction executives, determine the missions and goals that you want your new executive to accomplish. Review your plans and targets and find out which tasks can be fulfilled without hiring a new executive. Afterward, match the goals in your plan with the expectations that you’ll be having with your new executive. This helps you narrow down your choices and recruit only those with just the right skills.

2. Create a Roadmap
Start your recruitment process early. Learn the industry scenario. For instance, find out what other people in similar positions are like. Develop a list of attributes, a priority list and understand the job scenario. Also, understand what attracts a candidate to your position or what is making them leave their positions. Get firm hold of the entire hiring process.

3. Weigh intelligence
Make efforts to ascertain the intelligence that the candidate will be bringing on the table once you hire them. Intelligence is one of the most important variables in deciding the success and failure of a construction executive. Intelligence helps a construction executive make right decisions, remove hurdles, and maximize opportunities. The best way to judge intelligence is to ask the candidates for a problem that your business faces. Their recommendations will expose their thought-process and their strength and weaknesses.

4. Hire construction recruitment services
This is one of the best ways to hire the right candidate. Good construction recruitment services (like us) are industry insiders and have access to a wide pool of talents. Since they are a specialist in hiring process, they are well aware of your requirements and know how to locate the right talents. This saves a lot of time as you do not have to sort thousands of CVs and interview dozens of candidates. Moreover, they have good knowledge of the market. If you are planning to hire building construction executive, then get in touch with us. We are one of the best construction head hunters in Florida. Get in touch with us today at http://www.constructionhunters.com/contact/ and maximize your opportunities of hiring the best.

5. Check References
This is one of the vital parts of the hiring process. No matter how impressive a candidate appears in the interview, check the references provided by them to identify the gray areas of the candidate and also get valuable feedback on their performance.

These pointers will help you attract and hire the best talent in the industry. For any further assistance, call us at 214-935-3626.

Construction Executive Jobs: 8 Things to Know First

Posted on Tuesday, December 6th, 2016 at 12:50 am    


Interested in joining the construction industry as an executive? If yes, then check these facts about the industry before you take any decision:

1. According to Fortune, in April 2015, the construction industry accounted for 20% of the total jobs created in that month. According to government data, 223,000 new jobs were added during the month of April.

2. Between May 2015 and May 2016, California added the maximum number of construction jobs. The state added 39,600 new construction jobs. Other states include Florida (29,400), Georgia (13,400), and New York (11,000).

3. In 2014, the average salary of a construction worker was $35,750. The areas where construction workers are well paid include Chicago, Honolulu, and New York. The average salary of a construction worker in Chicago is $56,330.

4. In the same year, the average salary of a construction manager was $94,590.

5. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in August 2016, employment rates in construction industry dropped by 6,000 jobs. In case of nonresidential buildings, the industry lost 8,000 jobs. In 2015, the industry had added 25,000 new jobs.

6. By the end of 2014, the subsectors in the construction industry such as Heavy & Civil Engineering construction, Construction of Buildings and Specialty Trade Contractor witnessed an increase in employment rates. Although the growth rate was lower when compared to the rates of 2007. In 2014, the employment rates in the Heavy and Civil Engineering was 7% lower than what it was in 2007. Also, the employment rates of both Specialty Trade Contractors and construction of buildings dropped over 20%. In 2009, the employment rates in the subsector Construction of Buildings plummeted by 33% and Specialty Trade Contractors was down by 31% than the rates of 2007.

7. Post-recession, employment rates in various positions in the construction industry improved. Between 2010 and2013, the employment rates of construction laborers increased by 24%. Whereas, the employment rates of power-line installers were up by 63%. Compared to these sectors, there was several other job sectors in the construction industry that didn’t recover despite the overall good performance of the construction industry. The job rates of drywall installers went down by 35% during the same period and job rates for cement masons too plummeted by 44%.

8. In 2010, unemployment rates in the construction industry were more when compared to other nonfarm industries. The unemployment rates of nonfarm industries were 11% while in the construction industry, it was 27%. By 2014, the unemployment rates dropped further. In the construction industry, unemployment rates dropped by 6.4% (as of October 2010).

Hopefully, these pointers will give you valuable insights regarding the state of the construction industry in the USA. If you are looking for construction executive jobs, get in touch with us. We are one of the best building constructions staffing solutions in Texas. Call us today at 214-935-3626.


Things to Look for When Hiring Construction Executives

Posted on Friday, October 21st, 2016 at 2:29 am    

Building a successful business is a collective effort- it’s a team game. The right set of people with the right skill set is vital for the growth of your company. However, finding just the right person can be tricky. How do you decide whether the candidate is right for you or not? What should the hiring managers look for in the candidate before handing them the offer letter? Here’re the answers:

1. Look for Integrity

“In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two  will kill you.”- Warren Buffett

Trustworthiness is an essential virtue. In the construction industry, it is absolutely necessary to have team members who can keep their words.  Understand the background of the potential candidate. Run a background check and review the references presented by him or her.

2. Is he/she Ambitious?

Ambition is what keeps one moving. Ambitious people are driven by motivation and always look for ways to make the organization stronger. A construction project can face challenges at any point in time. Only an ambitious person will look for ways to overcome such challenges.

3. Is the Candidate a Lifelong Learner?

“All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners…looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they’re not learning, they’re not growing..not moving toward excellence.”- Denis Waitley

Life-long learners are an asset for any organization. They’re always eager to learn new things and acquire new skills. Such people are great problem solvers and have good time-management qualities.

4. Look for a Team Player

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” -Henry Ford

Be it construction projects or any other project, team work is essential for accomplishing organizational goals. Working as a part of a team ensures quality and boosts the morale of team members. Moreover, it maximizes the strength and brings the best of each team member. Before hiring a person, see how they interact with others. Find out what kind of environment they used to work in before.

5. Are they Creative Thinkers?

Everyone values a person who can help them think of new and better ways of doing things. Creative thinking abilities are particularly helpful in solving conflicts. A creative thinker will always embrace problems and find a solution to it. Test the creative thinking ability of the candidate by giving them situations a construction executive regularly faces and see how they solve it.

Go beyond the resume and take time to judge and hire people. This not only saves time but also saves cost in the long run. If you are looking for construction executive recruiters, then get in touch with us today. Our experts will help you hire the best talent and strengthen your team. Call us at 214-935-3626.

Important Skills of Civil Engineers

Posted on Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 at 2:53 am    

Civil engineering is undoubtedly one of the most important professions across the globe. Civil engineers are responsible for designing and carrying out heavy and civil engineering projects such as highways, dams, bridges, and tunnels. This profession comes with a great deal of responsibility and they need to master several skills. Here’s a list of skills that every Civil Engineer must possess:

1. Technical Skills

A qualified civil engineer must possess a broad technical knowledge as they need to deal with complex designs, numerical problems, and equations. A good civil engineer must have the necessary expertise to understand these designs and problems. They should have high level of expertise in design techniques and have good knowledge of software such as CAD. In-depth technical knowledge helps them identify design problems and find effective solutions to those problems.


2. Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a must-have skill for every civil engineer. A qualified civil engineer always finds a reasonable approach to confront critical issues and solve them. They apply reason, logic and general rules of civil engineering to find innovative solutions to the trickiest problems. Also, they are sharp enough to foresee and assess the strength and weaknesses of their suggestions so that they can come up with the most feasible solution.

3. Good communication Skills

Ability to communicate clearly and effectively is yet another necessary skill. They have to deal with a number of clients and demonstrate their ideas. A seasoned civil engineer is able to break down the complex information and clearly communicate his/her ideas to them without leaving any place for ambiguity. Good civil engineers know how to process information and deliver the same to the clients and other team members.

4. Creative skills

Creativity is the key to innovation. Civil Engineers work with a number of limitations. For instance, when designing a civil structure, they have to keep in mind several factors including environmental impact and public safety. Qualified civil engineers are masters in finding the most creative solutions while working with thousands of limitations.
5. Leadership Skills

Civil engineers do not work alone. They work with and lead an entire team which includes a diverse group of professionals such as architects, technicians, construction managers,and surveyors.
Hopefully, these points will help you get an insight into the necessary skills of civil engineers. If you need help in heavy civil recruitment then don’t look further. Get in touch with us today and we will help you attract the best talent from the industry. Call us today at 214-935-3626.

8 Facts on Construction Recruiters

Posted on Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 at 2:37 am    

Construction staffing agencies work as a bridge between your organization and the prospective employees. They communicate with their clients, know their requirements and then find the right candidate who fits closer to the position.

Staffing agencies are vital for the economic growth of the nation. It is estimated that every year, staffing agencies provide career opportunities to about 16 million people in the USA. Construction recruiters with their well-developed network and expertise, find the best staffing solution for construction organizations. According to a report published in Fortune, in 2015, 45,000 new jobs were added to the construction sector.

In the construction industry, the firms hire both permanent and temporary workers. Temporary workers are hired on the basis of projects and are usually hired through construction recruiters.
Job openings in the construction sector are estimated to rise at a faster pace. A report by Job Opening and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) in 2015 showed a 36% growth in job openings in the coming years. Here are a few more facts regarding the construction industry:
1. According to the 2013 findings by the Center For Construction Research and Training (CPWR), there are almost 3.39 million organizations in the construction sector.

2. The same report also found that employment in Construction sector in the USA decreased by 2.7 million in 2010. In 2007 it was about 11.8 million while in 2010, it was 9.1 million.

3. About 1.1 million long-term workers in the construction industry lost their jobs between 2007 and 2009. However, by 2010, 44% of them were re-employed.

4. The number of self-employed people in the construction industry in 2010 was 2.5 million.

5. In the USA, only 12% of the construction organizations use day laborers. About 22% of the construction firms didn’t have any full-time employee on their payroll and about 8% of the construction workers were hired through agencies.

6. Employment in the construction sector is estimated to grow by 33% between 2010 and 2020. This is more than double of the projected growth of the overall economy of the USA.

7. The construction industry created almost 92,100 jobs in 2011 in all-green establishments. It created almost 1.2 million jobs in some-green establishments. In the USA, more than 70% of the construction firms use green technology.

8. Do you know that in the USA, more than 2 million construction workers (till 2010) were foreign nationals? The construction industry in the USA employs a large number of Hispanic workers and more than 75% of them were foreign nationals.
Hopefully, these insights have helped you get a clear picture of the construction industry in the USA. If you are looking for building construction recruiters to help you hire the right talent for your firm, call us today at 214-935-3626.

Secrets to Hiring the Right People for Construction Projects

Posted on Wednesday, October 5th, 2016 at 5:45 am    

As a successful construction executive, you know that it takes a great team to build a successful business. A team of dedicated, committed and qualified employees helps your business achieve great success. When it comes to hiring the right people, there are a number of things to consider. Let’s dig deeper into the secrets of hiring the right candidate:

1. Look for Commitment
“Most people fail not because of lack of desire, but, because of lack of commitment.”- Vince Lombardi
Success comes with commitment; and it takes great dedication and commitment to successfully accomplish a construction project. Before you hire a candidate, see whether he/she is really committed or not. Are they always hopping jobs to find better opportunities? Check their previous job history to get a clear idea.

2. Hire people with Great Analytical Skills
A person might have an excellent educational background. They might even seem confident. But looks can be deceptive. Look beyond the resume. Construction executives need to have an analytical mind to judge different perspectives and take a decision. Test for analytical skills.

3. Competency and Cultural Fit
Go beyond the credentials of the candidates and gauge whether they are really capable of performing the duties required for the position. The job of a construction executive is multi-dimensional. A good construction executive is competent enough to independently perform a task to its desired standard and show organizational and managerial capability at the project site. Moreover, the candidate needs to fit in the existing company culture.

4. Learning Attitude
“The most important attitude that can be found is the desire to go on learning.”- John Dewey
Apart from having a strong resume and technical background, the attitude of the candidate is very important. The construction landscape is constantly evolving. If the candidate displays flexibility in his/her attitude and is willing to learn new skills, then that person is invaluable for your organization; because skills can be acquired or taught but attitude cannot.

Hiring new team members is a thoughtful process. Hopefully, you’ll find these points helpful. If you are looking for construction executive recruiters, give us a call. We are one of the best construction executive hunters and specialize in handling tough hiring situations for all kind of positions in construction, engineering, architectural and real estate sectors. Contact us at http://www.constructionhunters.com/contact/