How to Apply for Construction Jobs
Posted on Tuesday, March 14th, 2017 at 2:40 am
The construction output is poised to grow by 5% in 2017. With this growth, America is expected to witness increased rate of new home construction, low construction inputs prices, and job growth.
If you are about to start a job search in the construction industry and are unsure about the ways to do it, then we can help you. Be it construction executive jobs or entry level jobs, your job application depends on the type of position you are applying for. Here we discuss the best ways to apply for construction jobs:
1. Apply through job recruiters
If you are unsure about where to start from, it’s best to leave that task to the job recruiters. Nowadays, a number of leading construction organizations are turning to the recruiting agencies for initial screenings and interview process. Construction job recruiters (like us) have in-depth knowledge about the job scenario in the industry. Experienced recruiting agencies will provide you with a supportive network and help you get through job roles that are suitable for you. This means, you never go to an employer unprepared. If you are looking for the best construction executive job recruiters in Texas or any other state, call us today at 214-935-3626.
2. Online Job Application
There are a number of job portals where you can post your resume. Some websites will let you upload your resume while others have their own online application form which you have to fill up. Keep the supporting documents such as cover letter, portfolios, reference list, employment certificate and other relevant documents handy.
3. Apply directly to companies
You can directly apply for a particular position in a construction company. You can either apply for jobs on the company website or apply in person. Go through the job listing of the construction companies you are interested in. It’s because often the companies do not list job openings online. In such case, visiting the company website is one of the best options. Another way is to drop your resume in person. When applying in person, keep a sample job application complete with all relevant information with you. And be prepared to get interviewed on spot.
4. Follow-up After Applying
You have applied for a position in a company but haven’t heard back in two weeks. You can follow-up by email or call up the hiring manager. Be brief, to the point. Leave your phone number so that it’s easy for them to contact you.
Hopefully, these steps will guide you in successfully completing your job application process. For any further queries regarding construction executive jobs, get in touch with us at
Traits That Construction Executive Head Hunters Look For
Posted on Tuesday, February 28th, 2017 at 9:14 am
When it comes to hiring, meeting only the requirements of the job advertisement won’t get you through the interview. When assessing candidates the employers or the construction headhunters firm look for the ones who have the required technical skills and the right personality or attitude. They look for people are not only self-directed but are also responsible. Let’s take a look at the essential traits that every construction executive headhunter looks for:
1. Self-Directed Team members
The recruiting agencies and the hiring managers are always looking for people who are self-directed. They are always looking for candidates with goals in their life. It’s because such candidates are clear about what they want to achieve and are willing to work hard for it. They have a better reason to pay close attention to the work they are doing than the person who took the job only for the paycheck. Are you looking for executive head hunters in Texas? Get in touch with us today at
2. A Strategic Thinker
Hiring managers are always searching for candidates who are able to identify long-term goals. They look for candidates who not only have a vision for the future but also have a plan to achieve that. This trait is particularly essential for construction executives. Strategic thinking has become a prerequisite for people employed in the construction industry. Such persons are process-oriented, have clear objectives, and are data-driven, thus ensuring long-term success in any project.
3. A continuous learner
Employers want to hire people who love to learn new things. The construction industry is constantly evolving with technological developments. The modern workplace is also influenced as people need to learn and adapt to the changes around them. A good team member is the one who isn’t afraid of learning new trades and evolving with the changing times.
4. An effective team member
Accomplishing a construction project is all about teamwork. So, this is the most crucial thing that a construction executive head hunter is looking for in a customer. Don’t be surprised if you are asked about the way you function in a team. You have to explain how you handled a situation that required teamwork and how your team came through.
5. A Proactive Approach
Proactive team members do not wait for instructions; rather, they take initiatives whenever they find an opportunity to help. One way to demonstrate this is by asking the hiring manager about the work you will be performing.
We hope that these points have helped you gain insights into the traits that construction executive head hunters look for in candidates. For any further queries, call us at 214-935-3626.
Construction Executive Jobs: 8 Things to Know First
Posted on Tuesday, December 6th, 2016 at 12:50 am
Interested in joining the construction industry as an executive? If yes, then check these facts about the industry before you take any decision:
1. According to Fortune, in April 2015, the construction industry accounted for 20% of the total jobs created in that month. According to government data, 223,000 new jobs were added during the month of April.
2. Between May 2015 and May 2016, California added the maximum number of construction jobs. The state added 39,600 new construction jobs. Other states include Florida (29,400), Georgia (13,400), and New York (11,000).
3. In 2014, the average salary of a construction worker was $35,750. The areas where construction workers are well paid include Chicago, Honolulu, and New York. The average salary of a construction worker in Chicago is $56,330.
4. In the same year, the average salary of a construction manager was $94,590.
5. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in August 2016, employment rates in construction industry dropped by 6,000 jobs. In case of nonresidential buildings, the industry lost 8,000 jobs. In 2015, the industry had added 25,000 new jobs.
6. By the end of 2014, the subsectors in the construction industry such as Heavy & Civil Engineering construction, Construction of Buildings and Specialty Trade Contractor witnessed an increase in employment rates. Although the growth rate was lower when compared to the rates of 2007. In 2014, the employment rates in the Heavy and Civil Engineering was 7% lower than what it was in 2007. Also, the employment rates of both Specialty Trade Contractors and construction of buildings dropped over 20%. In 2009, the employment rates in the subsector Construction of Buildings plummeted by 33% and Specialty Trade Contractors was down by 31% than the rates of 2007.
7. Post-recession, employment rates in various positions in the construction industry improved. Between 2010 and2013, the employment rates of construction laborers increased by 24%. Whereas, the employment rates of power-line installers were up by 63%. Compared to these sectors, there was several other job sectors in the construction industry that didn’t recover despite the overall good performance of the construction industry. The job rates of drywall installers went down by 35% during the same period and job rates for cement masons too plummeted by 44%.
8. In 2010, unemployment rates in the construction industry were more when compared to other nonfarm industries. The unemployment rates of nonfarm industries were 11% while in the construction industry, it was 27%. By 2014, the unemployment rates dropped further. In the construction industry, unemployment rates dropped by 6.4% (as of October 2010).
Hopefully, these pointers will give you valuable insights regarding the state of the construction industry in the USA. If you are looking for construction executive jobs, get in touch with us. We are one of the best building constructions staffing solutions in Texas. Call us today at 214-935-3626.
Construction Jobs Scenario: 6 Facts You Must Know
Posted on Tuesday, September 20th, 2016 at 5:18 am
Interested in joining the construction industry? Or are you searching for construction executive jobs? If yes, then these trends and facts of the construction job scenario will offer some insight into the job market of this industry in the USA. Take a look:
1. After witnessing the recession in 2007-2009, the construction industry recovered during 2013-14. The rates of employment also recovered. In 2014, the employment rates in the construction industry grew to 9.8 million from 8.9 million in 2012. This was the highest compared to the previous 6 years.
2. The number of Hispanic workers in the construction industry has also experienced a continuous growth. Once the industry recovered from the recession, the number of Hispanic workers resulted in about 60% growth in the employment rates in Construction industry. Between 2012 and 2014, about half million jobs were added in the construction industry. During this period, about 385,000 Hispanic workers were foreign born. This was also the time when the rate of Hispanic employment was greater than the overall growth of the industry.
3. By the end of 2014, the subsectors of the construction industry namely Construction of Buildings, Heavy & Civil Engineering construction, and Specialty Trade Contractors, experienced a growth in employment rates. However, this growth was still lower than the growth rates of 2007. Compared to the rates of 2007, in 2014, employment in Heavy and Civil Engineering was 7% below. On the other hand, rates of both the Construction of Buildings and Specialty Trade Contractors dropped more than 20%. During the recession, the employment rate of Construction of Buildings dropped by 33% and Specialty Trade Contractors by 31% down than the rates of 2007.
4. During 2010, the unemployment rates in the construction industry increased compared to other nonfarm industries. The unemployment rates of nonfarm industries were 11%. Compared to it, unemployment rates of Construction industry peaked to 27%. By 2014, the unemployment rates gradually declined. During that year, the unemployment rate of Construction industry decreased by 6.4% (as in October).
5. Employment for various positions in the construction industry improved post the recession. Between 2010 and 2013, employment for power-line installers grew by 63%. This was followed by construction laborers (24%). Though the construction industry experienced tremendous growth but still, there were few occupations within the industry that fared poorly. Employment rates for cement masons dropped by 44% while for the drywall installers, it dropped by 35% between 2010 and 2013.
6. Between 2010 and 2013, the construction industry witnessed a major employment growth across the United States. Among all states, construction employment was the highest in North Dakota (50%).
These facts will give you a brief overview of the construction employment in the USA. Looking for New Jersey construction jobs? Then waste no time and call us at 214-935-3626.
5 Highly Effective Ways To Motivate Your Employees
Posted on Friday, August 5th, 2016 at 6:00 am
Behind every successful business stands a dedicated team that’s worked relentlessly to grow the company and achieve the organizational goals. However, as a manager you probably know the best that building highly motivated teams isn’t as easy as pie. How do you motivate people who don’t want to put in the work? How do you pump up a flat team? Before we answer these questions, let’s check the findings of SHRM Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement study conducted in 2015.
Only 69% team members feel that they are giving full effort into their work. But, there’s always scope for improvement.
How do you motivate your employees so that they put in more efforts?
You do not need any magic potion and resources to give that extra push to your team members. Here is how you can get started:
1. Communicate. Communicate and Communicate
“An employee’s motivation is a direct result of the sum of interactions with his or her manager.”- Bob Nelson
Do not limit yourself to a few emails; be the leader whom your team members can approach. Spoken words work wonders when it comes to waking up the spirit inside your team members. Skilled entrepreneurs are good communicators. They know how to deliver a bad news to the team members and use it as an opportunity to motivate them.
2. Set an Example
“The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.”- John Wooden
Do you want your team members to be always excited about their work? If yes, lead by example. Successful construction executives are always enthusiastic about the task at hand which makes their team members feel motivated to work hard and give their best shot.
3. Give Them Opportunities for Self-Development and Advancement
Team members feel motivated when they know that they are not only working for accomplishing company goals but, also for their career growth. Motivate your employees by offering them opportunities for learning new skills.
4. Reward Them for Their Efforts
“People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards.”- Dale Carnegie
Rewards are nothing but a way to recognize the efforts the team putting to meet the company goals. From pizza parties, cash rewards to other incentives such as a paid day off and gift cards – you can reward the performers in your team in as many creative ways as you can imagine!
5. Empower Your Team Members
Give employees some leeway in deciding how to do their job. Empowering the team members will motivate them and connect them more with the job in hand. Conduct regular meetings. Take their advice and implement them. Give them the authority to take their own decisions. Here is what Jim Goodnight, CEO of SAS said about employee empowerment: “treat employees like they make a difference and they will.”
Gaining a strong understanding of what motivates people will help you get the most out of them. Hope you’ve found these tips useful.
If you are looking for construction executive recruiters in Texas or any other state, get in touch with us. Call us at 214-935-3626.