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Construction Jobs Scenario: 6 Facts You Must Know

Posted on Tuesday, September 20th, 2016 at 5:18 am    

Interested in joining the construction industry? Or are you searching for construction executive jobs? If yes, then these trends and facts of the construction job scenario will offer some insight into the job market of this industry in the USA. Take a look:

1. After witnessing the recession in 2007-2009, the construction industry recovered during 2013-14. The rates of employment also recovered. In 2014, the employment rates in the construction industry grew to 9.8 million from 8.9 million in 2012. This was the highest compared to the previous 6 years.

2. The number of Hispanic workers in the construction industry has also experienced a continuous growth. Once the industry recovered from the recession, the number of Hispanic workers resulted in about 60% growth in the employment rates in Construction industry. Between 2012 and 2014, about half million jobs were added in the construction industry. During this period, about 385,000 Hispanic workers were foreign born. This was also the time when the rate of Hispanic employment was greater than the overall growth of the industry.

3. By the end of 2014, the subsectors of the construction industry namely Construction of Buildings, Heavy & Civil Engineering construction, and Specialty Trade Contractors, experienced a growth in employment rates. However, this growth was still lower than the growth rates of 2007. Compared to the rates of 2007, in 2014, employment in Heavy and Civil Engineering was 7% below. On the other hand, rates of both the Construction of Buildings and Specialty Trade Contractors dropped more than 20%. During the recession, the employment rate of Construction of Buildings dropped by 33% and Specialty Trade Contractors by 31% down than the rates of 2007.

4. During 2010, the unemployment rates in the construction industry increased compared to other nonfarm industries. The unemployment rates of nonfarm industries were 11%. Compared to it, unemployment rates of Construction industry peaked to 27%. By 2014, the unemployment rates gradually declined. During that year, the unemployment rate of Construction industry decreased by 6.4% (as in October).

5. Employment for various positions in the construction industry improved post the recession. Between 2010 and 2013, employment for power-line installers grew by 63%. This was followed by construction laborers (24%). Though the construction industry experienced tremendous growth but still, there were few occupations within the industry that fared poorly. Employment rates for cement masons dropped by 44% while for the drywall installers, it dropped by 35% between 2010 and 2013.

6. Between 2010 and 2013, the construction industry witnessed a major employment growth across the United States. Among all states, construction employment was the highest in North Dakota (50%).

These facts will give you a brief overview of the construction employment in the USA. Looking for New Jersey construction jobs? Then waste no time and call us at 214-935-3626.
