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Construction Executive Jobs: 8 Things to Know First

Posted on Tuesday, December 6th, 2016 at 12:50 am    


Interested in joining the construction industry as an executive? If yes, then check these facts about the industry before you take any decision:

1. According to Fortune, in April 2015, the construction industry accounted for 20% of the total jobs created in that month. According to government data, 223,000 new jobs were added during the month of April.

2. Between May 2015 and May 2016, California added the maximum number of construction jobs. The state added 39,600 new construction jobs. Other states include Florida (29,400), Georgia (13,400), and New York (11,000).

3. In 2014, the average salary of a construction worker was $35,750. The areas where construction workers are well paid include Chicago, Honolulu, and New York. The average salary of a construction worker in Chicago is $56,330.

4. In the same year, the average salary of a construction manager was $94,590.

5. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in August 2016, employment rates in construction industry dropped by 6,000 jobs. In case of nonresidential buildings, the industry lost 8,000 jobs. In 2015, the industry had added 25,000 new jobs.

6. By the end of 2014, the subsectors in the construction industry such as Heavy & Civil Engineering construction, Construction of Buildings and Specialty Trade Contractor witnessed an increase in employment rates. Although the growth rate was lower when compared to the rates of 2007. In 2014, the employment rates in the Heavy and Civil Engineering was 7% lower than what it was in 2007. Also, the employment rates of both Specialty Trade Contractors and construction of buildings dropped over 20%. In 2009, the employment rates in the subsector Construction of Buildings plummeted by 33% and Specialty Trade Contractors was down by 31% than the rates of 2007.

7. Post-recession, employment rates in various positions in the construction industry improved. Between 2010 and2013, the employment rates of construction laborers increased by 24%. Whereas, the employment rates of power-line installers were up by 63%. Compared to these sectors, there was several other job sectors in the construction industry that didn’t recover despite the overall good performance of the construction industry. The job rates of drywall installers went down by 35% during the same period and job rates for cement masons too plummeted by 44%.

8. In 2010, unemployment rates in the construction industry were more when compared to other nonfarm industries. The unemployment rates of nonfarm industries were 11% while in the construction industry, it was 27%. By 2014, the unemployment rates dropped further. In the construction industry, unemployment rates dropped by 6.4% (as of October 2010).

Hopefully, these pointers will give you valuable insights regarding the state of the construction industry in the USA. If you are looking for construction executive jobs, get in touch with us. We are one of the best building constructions staffing solutions in Texas. Call us today at 214-935-3626.


7 Things to Know About Construction Staffing

Posted on Wednesday, September 28th, 2016 at 6:45 am    

The construction industry contributes to a major portion of the US economy. And the construction staffing agencies are one of the key drivers of growth within the industry. According to an article published in Fortune in 2015, the construction industry in the USA accounts for 20% of the jobs created in the month of April in 2015. The report mentioned that during that particular month, 223,000 new jobs were added. The construction staffing agencies operate within the industry. They have a well-developed network within the industry and have years of expertise in finding the best staffing solution of various organizations within the industry. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has projected a very positive job outlook for the construction industry between 2010 and 2020. They have projected that the construction industry is likely to witness job growth at a rate of 21% compared to the overall employment growth rates of 14%.

Here are a few more facts about the construction industry:
1. A report by the Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR) found that in the year 2010, the construction industry contributed about 3.5% to the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the nation. This was lower than the rates in 2005 (4.9%). Compared to 2006, in 2010, the value of private residential construction dropped by 61%.

2. During the great recession between 2007 and 2009, about 1.1 million long-tenured workers in the construction industry lost employment. However, by 2010, 44% of them were re-employed. Although, 21% of that proportion found jobs in some other sector.

3. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the unemployment rate in the construction industry has increased to 5.1% (as of August 2016). On an average, the hourly income of a construction worker is $28.22 (as of August 2016).

4. According to a data published by CPWR in 2010, a total number of construction establishments in the USA was about 3.39 million. Out of them, almost 2.66 million construction establishments did not have any payrolls.

5. The report also emphasized that the rate of construction employment has decreased by 2.7 million in 2010. In 2007, the number was 11.8 million while in 2010, it dropped to 9.1 million. During the same period, the number of Hispanic construction workers also diminished by 755,000.

6. Do you know that 12% construction establishments employ day laborers and about 22% of the construction firms do not have full-time employees on their payroll? About 8% of the firms hired temporary employees through staffing agencies.

7. Employment in the construction industry is projected to grow by 2020. It is estimated that it will grow by 1.84 million (about 33%) by 2020. This is more than double of the projected growth rate of the overall economy of the USA.

If you are looking for building construction staffing solutions in Texas, get in touch with us. We are the top construction staffing agency in Texas and can help you gain access to the best talents in the industry. Call us today at 214-935-3626.
