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Construction Headhunters: Warning Signs You’re Hiring the Wrong Person

Posted on Tuesday, June 13th, 2017 at 8:38 am    

Bad hiring decisions are always expensive. According to Society for Human Resource Management, 95% of the people who participated in the survey agreed that bad hiring affects the morale of the team.

construction headhunters firmsSource: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/talent-acquisition/pages/morale-productivity-bad-hires.aspx

The main problem is it’s not always possible to identify which candidate is a bad fit. Even in construction headhunters firms, hiring managers scrutinize thousands of CVs. And on paper, every candidate looks good. Moreover, some people do very well in the interview but just because their past experiences fit makes them appear fit for the job, choosing them can be a bad hiring decision. Here are a few signs indicating that the person is just not right for the job:

1. They do not ask questions
The interview is a two-way process. Information is exchanged from both the sides. However, if by the end of the process, the candidate hasn’t asked a single question, then that’s a matter of concern. Do not nurture the false impression that you have provided them all information that they need to know. If they are really serious about joining your organization, then they will have plenty of questions. They will always try to ensure that it’s the right job for them and that; they will thrive in the organization. Candidates who are seriously interested in your company will show up after having thoroughly researched about your company.

2. Conflicting work cultures or styles
Even the strongest candidate might be a bad choice for your organization if their style of working doesn’t match with yours. For instance, your organization promotes teamwork while the person you thought was fit for the role is comfortable in working alone; or your organization prefers text-based apps to communicate with the team members but the candidate values structure and prefers face-to-face interaction. These are subtle signs that the candidate, irrespective of his/her qualification and skills, is not just fit for the position.

3. They negotiate too much
When offered a job, candidates often negotiate prospects with their employer. However, a little negotiation is fine, but too much of it is dangerous. For instance, the moment you offer the candidate a job, they began to inquire and negotiate whether you can alter their working hours or not; they demand a decent parking space and likewise. Whatever you are offering to them is never enough for them. This shows that whatever you do, you can never make that employee happy.

4. They talk negatively about their company
Showing disrespect to the previous employer from day one is very unprofessional. A candidate might have a bad experience with their employers, but that doesn’t mean they will go on badmouthing the company and its people. Beware of such candidates. It’s because once they leave you, they might say these things about you, hampering the reputation of your business in this process.

In the end, you always want a team member who respects your business and the opportunity you have given him/her.

Looking for a job in the construction industry? Get in touch with the biggest construction headhunters in FL. Contact us today at https://www.constructionhunters.com/contact/

Construction Management: 5 Traits to Succeed

Posted on Friday, March 10th, 2017 at 1:50 am    

As the business scenario continues to evolve across industries (including construction industry), the traits of the managers are also evolving. Technology has not only dramatically changed the way businesses operate, but also the way the management works. Great managers are among the key drivers of success for an organization. Let’s take a look at the traits that define great construction managers:

1. They Follow From Front
Great construction managers help their team members succeed by removing obstacles from their path to help them make things happen. They do not believe in managing and delegating team members but engaging and empower them to solve problems. They do not follow the traditional command and control model of management but working with them in tandem to help them succeed. Looking for great construction headhunters in Texas? We can help. Call us today at 214-935-3626.

Construction Management

2. They are Flexible
Great managers think beyond themselves. They understand that it’s not about them but about the team members. They understand that no two team members are alike. They try to learn what motivates and challenges their team members. Great construction managers listen to their team members in order to establish a smooth work relationship that addresses specific needs of each team member.

3. They Lead by Example
Nothing can motivate the team members than watching their leaders get their hands dirty. Being a great construction manager is not about giving feedback to the team members; rather, it’s about helping them in implementing solutions. They put in extra effort to show them the way to success and the best practices for ensuring success. Team members can only evolve when they watch their managers get to the ground level with them.

4. They Share Information
Be it the construction industry or any other industry, the success of an organization depends on collective intelligence. Great managers do not believe in hoarding information and dispensing orders. They believe in sharing information with their team members so that they can remain connected and use that information in accomplishing their tasks. Today’s management does not isolate employees from the decision-making process; rather rely on them to help make decisions.

5. They are Transparent
Excellent managers promote a culture that upholds honesty and candor. They do not sugarcoat things but are straightforward and factual, even if delivering bad news. This makes it easier for others to provide meaningful feedback.

Excellent management is all about inspiring the entire team, boost engagements in order to steer the organization to greater heights. We hope that these pointers have helped you identify the essential traits of an excellent construction manager.

If you are looking for jobs in the construction industry or for good construction headhunters in FL, get in touch with us at http://www.constructionhunters.com/contact/

6 Tips to Hire the Best Construction Headhunters Firms

Posted on Monday, January 23rd, 2017 at 7:21 am    

Attracting and hiring the best talents is one of the important aspects of any successful construction organization. And trusting an outside agency with such an immense responsibility is much difficult. In such case, hiring the best construction head hunters is the only way to put your mind at ease. But, how can you tell whether you are hiring the right construction staffing agency or not? Here are a few tips:

1. Prioritize Due Diligence
Before zeroing in on a construction head hunter, evaluate them. Check their LinkedIn profile. Do they have the required expertise in the area you want them to work in? Do they have the relevant experience as they claimed to you during your first meeting? Get the facts together before taking any decision.


2. Check for Experience
When you are hiring recruiting headhunters, especially in the construction industry, you want them to find the best skill-set for you. Find out for how long they have been operating in the industry. Experienced head hunters have spent years tracking and building a network of candidates who are best in the industry. With experienced construction head hunters, it will take less time to fill any vacant position in your organization with quality candidates.

3. Get references
Before you hire construction head hunters, check with your peers in the industry. Ask them for reference. Check the quality of their recruitments and also check their track record of delivering results. Apart from that, ask the agency for references and call them. Find out whether they are satisfied with the services of the agency or not. This will help you get an overall idea of how the agency operates in the industry.

4. Check the Contract Terms
Evaluation of the contract is yet another important task before hiring any construction head hunter. You do not want to get stuck with inflexible terms and conditions. So, ensure that all your demands are addressed in the contract.

5. Be clear with your Demands
Be clear with what you want and what exactly you are looking for. A good recruiting agency will listen to your needs and requirements and try to find someone who is apt for the job. And for that, it is essential to communicate this to the recruiting agency.

6. Interview them thoroughly
Interview the recruiting agency just as you would interview a candidate. Check whether they have the candidates in their network for the positions or not. Ask them about their screening processes. Ask how they are going to maintain a chain of communication with you. Also, ask them how long they usually take to fill a position.

These tips will help you thoroughly evaluate the recruiting agencies and find the best for you. If you are looking for experienced construction head hunters in the USA, get in touch with us at 214-935-3626.

How to Hire Good Building Construction Executives?

Posted on Monday, December 12th, 2016 at 6:40 am    

Finding the right building construction executive is a time consuming and delicate process. First, you identify the right candidate from a large pool of candidate; then you find whether your needs and goals are aligned or not. And finally, you offer the candidate a good pay package. It isn’t that smooth as it sounds. There are a lot of factors to consider before you take a final decision.

A proper hiring process for construction executives involves a lot of steps. This includes:

1. Determine What you want
Before you hire building construction executives, determine the missions and goals that you want your new executive to accomplish. Review your plans and targets and find out which tasks can be fulfilled without hiring a new executive. Afterward, match the goals in your plan with the expectations that you’ll be having with your new executive. This helps you narrow down your choices and recruit only those with just the right skills.

2. Create a Roadmap
Start your recruitment process early. Learn the industry scenario. For instance, find out what other people in similar positions are like. Develop a list of attributes, a priority list and understand the job scenario. Also, understand what attracts a candidate to your position or what is making them leave their positions. Get firm hold of the entire hiring process.

3. Weigh intelligence
Make efforts to ascertain the intelligence that the candidate will be bringing on the table once you hire them. Intelligence is one of the most important variables in deciding the success and failure of a construction executive. Intelligence helps a construction executive make right decisions, remove hurdles, and maximize opportunities. The best way to judge intelligence is to ask the candidates for a problem that your business faces. Their recommendations will expose their thought-process and their strength and weaknesses.

4. Hire construction recruitment services
This is one of the best ways to hire the right candidate. Good construction recruitment services (like us) are industry insiders and have access to a wide pool of talents. Since they are a specialist in hiring process, they are well aware of your requirements and know how to locate the right talents. This saves a lot of time as you do not have to sort thousands of CVs and interview dozens of candidates. Moreover, they have good knowledge of the market. If you are planning to hire building construction executive, then get in touch with us. We are one of the best construction head hunters in Florida. Get in touch with us today at http://www.constructionhunters.com/contact/ and maximize your opportunities of hiring the best.

5. Check References
This is one of the vital parts of the hiring process. No matter how impressive a candidate appears in the interview, check the references provided by them to identify the gray areas of the candidate and also get valuable feedback on their performance.

These pointers will help you attract and hire the best talent in the industry. For any further assistance, call us at 214-935-3626.