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Things to Look for When Hiring Construction Executives

Posted on Friday, October 21st, 2016 at 2:29 am    

Building a successful business is a collective effort- it’s a team game. The right set of people with the right skill set is vital for the growth of your company. However, finding just the right person can be tricky. How do you decide whether the candidate is right for you or not? What should the hiring managers look for in the candidate before handing them the offer letter? Here’re the answers:

1. Look for Integrity

“In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two  will kill you.”- Warren Buffett

Trustworthiness is an essential virtue. In the construction industry, it is absolutely necessary to have team members who can keep their words.  Understand the background of the potential candidate. Run a background check and review the references presented by him or her.

2. Is he/she Ambitious?

Ambition is what keeps one moving. Ambitious people are driven by motivation and always look for ways to make the organization stronger. A construction project can face challenges at any point in time. Only an ambitious person will look for ways to overcome such challenges.

3. Is the Candidate a Lifelong Learner?

“All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners…looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they’re not learning, they’re not growing..not moving toward excellence.”- Denis Waitley

Life-long learners are an asset for any organization. They’re always eager to learn new things and acquire new skills. Such people are great problem solvers and have good time-management qualities.

4. Look for a Team Player

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” -Henry Ford

Be it construction projects or any other project, team work is essential for accomplishing organizational goals. Working as a part of a team ensures quality and boosts the morale of team members. Moreover, it maximizes the strength and brings the best of each team member. Before hiring a person, see how they interact with others. Find out what kind of environment they used to work in before.

5. Are they Creative Thinkers?

Everyone values a person who can help them think of new and better ways of doing things. Creative thinking abilities are particularly helpful in solving conflicts. A creative thinker will always embrace problems and find a solution to it. Test the creative thinking ability of the candidate by giving them situations a construction executive regularly faces and see how they solve it.

Go beyond the resume and take time to judge and hire people. This not only saves time but also saves cost in the long run. If you are looking for construction executive recruiters, then get in touch with us today. Our experts will help you hire the best talent and strengthen your team. Call us at 214-935-3626.