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Construction Staffing Agency: How to Select One?

Posted on Friday, March 17th, 2017 at 3:03 am    

Zeroing in on a staffing agency is one of the crucial business decisions for any organization. This is particularly applicable for highly specialized industries such as construction. A strong and experienced staffing agency can add value to your organization by enriching it with strong team members. So, it’s essential to evaluate all aspects before selecting a good construction staffing agency. Let’s take a look at the consideration when selecting one:

1. Identify your staffing requirements
Based on the requirements of the projects, construction companies may hire temporary, contractual, or permanent team members. So, hiring a construction staffing agency with expertise in meeting such unique hiring demands is important. For instance, a staffing agency might have expertise in handling only temporary recruitment. They may not be best for finding permanent staff. So, identify your staffing requirements first and then select a hiring agency.

construction staffing agency

2. Hire Industry-specific staffing agency
Staffing agencies can be either Jack of all trades or Master of one. While you will find plenty of staffing agencies who claim to hire for all industries but it’s essential to find the master of one (like us). It’s because industry-specific staffing agencies have in-depth knowledge about your business and your unique recruitment needs. They will be able to attract the best from your industry and add value to your organization. If you are looking for a good construction staffing agency in Texas or New York, call us at 214-935-3626. We are one of the leading engineering staffing agencies in Texas and New York.

3. Research about their Expertise
Visit the website of the construction staffing agency and check their client portfolio. Check the positions they claim to have filled up for their clients. This will help you understand whether the agency will be able to fulfill your requirements or not. Also, call the organization to do a background check regarding the reliability of the services and professionalism of the agency.

4. Look for Experience
Once you have identified relevant staffing agencies, look for their experience in the recruiting business. For how long they have been into this? What’s the qualification of their consultant? This will give you an idea about how well-versed they are in the best practices of hiring.

5. Reputation matters
A reputed construction staffing agency (like us) is the one that will connect you with the top candidates in the industry. Reputed agencies are respected by organizations and attract the most skilled candidates.

Looking for engineering staffing agencies in New York or Texas? Get connected with the best in the industry. Contact us today at http://www.constructionhunters.com/contact/

Tips on Selecting an Engineering Staffing Agency in Texas

Posted on Monday, December 19th, 2016 at 5:54 am    

Hiring staffing agencies is the best way to meet the personnel demands of your company. But, there is a broad difference between hiring a staffing agency and hiring the right staffing agency. Both carry out the same work but the right staffing agency is more likely to meet your exact demands and get you the best talents. Here are a few tips on how to select the best engineering staffing solution in Texas or any other state:

1.    Do they match your needs?
Engineering is a highly specialized job and it calls for specialized candidates. Before you hire a staffing agency, find out whether they cater to your industry or not. Do they understand your personnel requirements? Find out whether the agency has large networks or not and what are their focus areas. Good construction and engineering headhunters have a focused approach and have an in-depth knowledge about the market. They have a pipeline of candidates, ready to meet the demands presented by the clients.

Engineering Staffing recruitment

2.    Check their Reputation and Experience
Before you hire an engineering staffing agency, check their reputation in the market. Every staffing agency claims to be the best but it’s up to you check whether they can back up their claim or not. To attract the best talent for your construction firm, look for an agency that has been in the hiring business for long. Experienced staffing agencies usually share a good rapport and connection with the leaders in the industry and have access to a wide range of talents. These are the agencies that attract the most skilled profiles. You can even check with the companies they have hired for.

3.    Does the Agency conduct an appropriate background check?
The depth of background investigation varies from agency to agency. Before you hire one, find out how the staffing headhunters perform a background check? How they verify the candidates? No matter how much tough may be the screening process the chances of slips are always there. How the agencies handle such situation?

4.    Understand how the Agencies identify candidates
Find out how the staffing agencies are hiring candidates. What kind of medium or advertising they are using to attract the best talent pool? Do they use online staffing websites, social media sites? Do they participate in job fairs or advertise in the newspaper? The mode of operation will help you understand whether the agencies are reaching out to a wide range of talent pool or not.

5.    Check their guidelines
Every staffing agency has a model of standards and guidelines for hiring process. Ask the agency what kind of guidelines, standards, and values do they follow? It is essential to determine the characteristics they demonstrate while doing business.

These pointers will help you select the right engineering staffing agency. In case you are looking for engineering staffing agencies Texas or in New York, contact us today at www.constructionhunters.com.

How to Motivate Construction Engineers?

Posted on Friday, September 2nd, 2016 at 5:56 am    

A motivated workforce is one of the most valuable assets of an organization. Here, we discuss 5 ways to motivate your employees in order to bring out the best in them :

1. Give them Learning Opportunities
Nothing can be more stifling than a stagnant job. When your team members feel that they have nothing to learn from their current position and nothing new to offer to the organization,they will feel demotivated. Offer your employees opportunities to expand their skills. Provide them the tools to learn more. Conduct training programs & motivate them to attend the sessions. This boosts their self-confidence and improves their outlook towards the organization. Your team members will feel enthusiastic to work with you if you help them grow.

2. Encourage Creativity
Encouraging creativity is the best way to motivate your team members.
Let the “out-of-the box” ideas become the norm of the company. Let the construction engineers use their ideas to find answer to a challenging situation. Motivate them to exchange creative ideas with other employees and departments. This is the best way to properly utilize their talent. Moreover, fostering creativity not only bolsters employee motivation but also creates a flexible work environment.

3. Empower them
Nothing can motivate construction engineers than placing your trust in them. For particular projects, give them the decision-making powers. This is a simple strategy to kill frustration among your team members.

4. Give Financial Incentives
According to a survey named Financial Wellness in the Workplace, conducted in 2014 by SHRM, good compensation is one of the key aspects of employee satisfaction. If a construction engineer has done an exceptional work, do not stop with just a pat on his back. Offer financial rewards.
Source: https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/trends-and-forecasting/research-and-surveys/Pages/2014-financial-wellness.aspx

5. Maintain a Flow of communication
According to a study called Global Workforce Study conducted in 2012, communicating openly and following an “open door policy” encourages the team members to express their concerns and ideas freely. It also found that the team members feel valued when their senior managers take an interest in their personal lives. However, in this case, it is important to maintain the fine line. This policy helps the managers connect with their employees and makes them feel important.

Source: https://www.towerswatson.com/Insights/IC-Types/Survey-Research-Results/2012/07/2012-Towers-Watson-Global-Workforce-Study

Hiring and retaining good people is one of the significant business challenges that’s faced by construction industry. If you are looking for engineering staffing agencies in Texas, then call us today at 214-935-3626.