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Warren Buffet fires CEO over issues in strategy

Posted on Monday, July 2nd, 2012 at 2:16 pm    

The head of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren  Buffet, fired the CEO of Benjamin Moore & Co. and although many thought it was because of an incident at a boat party earlier this month, Buffet recently made a statement that it was their differing opinions on the strategy of the company the lead to the firing.

Earlier this month, there were speculations that a mishap in Bermuda that lead to a boat sinking while Benjamin Moore executives were at a gathering, was the reason he was let go, but Buffet has said that this was not the reason.

In a letter dated June 21, Buffet stated that the he was unaware of the boat party until he read about in the news. Sources close Buffet stated that they do not believe that the boat party incident had any part in the firing of the CEO.

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