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Top 4 Tips to Hire the Best Talent in Civil Engineering

Posted on Thursday, October 29th, 2015 at 2:49 am    

If you are a heavy civil engineering recruiter in Texas, the process of recruiting the best talent is often very complex and competitive. Lengthy hiring timelines often cause delays that may impede the process and finding the best talent. As a recruiter in a heavy civil engineering company, you should show a sense of urgency that helps guarantee that top talent is identified, recruited, and hired. Here are some important tips to recruit the best talent in Texas:

1. Show the right level of interest: If you are in dire need to recruit for a position, it is necessary that you show the right level of interest in a candidate. In the job market it takes a lot of resources to match the right candidate for a particular job. Unavoidable delays are sometimes impossible to avoid but you must communicate with candidates so they don’t lose interest position.

2. Don’t prolong the interview process: When you have shortlisted the right candidate, you may have to follow the arduous process of protocol and schedule many interviews with the hiring committee. Many candidates find this lengthy process to be unnecessary and may lose interest quickly. If you want the candidate badly, show it by your actions. Try to schedule all interviews on the same day and give the candidate an answer, either yes or no, quickly. It’s important to give timely feedback and your candidate will appreciate your candor.

3. Lock down top candidates fast: If you have undertaken a lengthy interviewing process and have shortlisted candidates that you are interested in you should move quickly. Candidates appreciate a fast response and like to know what the salary and benefits are upfront.

4. Close candidates quickly: If you have negotiated the terms of the employment contract and are finalizing a start date, ensure that the candidate has his or her questions and concerns addressed quickly. Many candidates join a company without much knowledge about company policies and regulations. Try to be a recruiter that knows the company well and promote the values before the person arrives on day one.

If you are a sensitive hiring manager, you will hire the best qualified talent quickly. Seasoned recruiters too often fail when it comes to maneuvering the hiring process. Always remember, that even average candidates get multiple employment offers so make yours the one they accept!