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Things that Recruiters Should Never See on Your Resume

Posted on Thursday, April 16th, 2015 at 12:35 am    

Construction employment agencies work on behalf of construction companies to fill job positions with the best candidates from the industry. They work on behalf of companies rather than job seekers. So it is very important for job seekers to present themselves well in front of staffing agencies, so that they consider you to be fit enough for the job position.

Since most of the construction companies and business houses rely on construction employment agencies for hiring, you should have a great resume to attract the recruiter’s attention. Recruiters have to go through stacks of resume and they have less than a minute to scan through a resume initially. So you have about 6-10secs to catch the recruiter’s eyes.

You know how to make a great resume, but do you know what can make your resume land in trash? Here are things that construction job recruiters don’t want to see in your resume:

  • Irrelevant Work History: Job seekers want include all the past job experiences whether relevant or irrelevant to the current job opening. Recruiters looking to fill a specific position would look for relevant experiences, so make your resume likewise.
  • Untidy and Messy Resume: Recruiters want to find information quickly since they are busy professionals. Make your resume as precise as possible. Mention relevant experience with organizations you have worked for, include start and end date and mention your responsibilities and achievements in a bulleted format.
  • Photos and Physical Descriptions: Recruiters are interested about your experience and capabilities and not about your beauty. So including physical descriptions and photos only make your resume superfluous.
  • Vague Objective Statements: Having a positive attitude is good but mentioning vague objective statements only make your resume look unprofessional. Make sure you’ve understood the job responsibilities of the current job opening, and place yourself likewise.
  • Mentioning Ordinary Skills: Most people applying for IT jobs would be affluent with Microsoft word and excel. Include the special skills that highlight your capabilities and make you stand out from others.
  • Poorly Managed Social Profiles: Executive recruiters scan your social profiles to dig out more information about you. So be careful about what you post, share and comment on your profile.
  • Resumes with No References: Rather than waiting for the recruiter to ask for references, it is a good idea to include a few references. Reference checking is an important part of hiring, so why not make their task easier.

In order to make your resume stand out, keep it simple and to-the-point. Leave out fancy fonts, dramatic headers and include information that the recruiters want to see. That is the only way to get through the first phase of selection to a desired job.