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El Centro Chamber of Commerce announces new chief executive

Posted on Monday, July 9th, 2012 at 1:35 pm    

The El Centro Chamber of Commerce has announced that it has hired a new chief executive officer. Darletta Willis has stated that she is excited to begin the job and does not expect a “honeymoon period.”

Willis has never worked as a member of a chamber of commerce, but she feels that her goals and visions for the chamber are consistent with those of the board members.

Willis has more than 10 years of experience in the field of human resources, with an emphasis on one-on-one consultations on individual performance as well as work involving group dynamics and organizational systems.

She has stated that she wants to utilize these tools in order to work with city officials to address issues of concern within the area. The board has been busy this year with grand re-openings and keeping up with local businesses that are seeing growth. The new CEO is set to start on July 9.

If you are looking to hire a new CEO, you need a company on your side that can help to fill this important position quickly with the correct person. Contact the recruitment specialists of Construction Hunters today by calling 214-989-6846 to learn more about how we can help.