Recruitment searches: Exclusive vs. Non-exclusive
Posted on Thursday, June 14th, 2012 at 4:43 pm
Using a recruitment firm to help you find the best executive fit for your company is very important. Because of the importance of the position, the faster that it can be filled, the faster you can have your business operating at its best.
The effect that a non-exclusive and exclusive recruitment firm can change the way that a position is filled in your company. Companies have different requirements to fulfill in each type of contract.
For an exclusive recruiting contract, the company is not charged unless the company goes with the candidate that the recruiter finds. Also, the company can still use their hiring process to determine if this candidate is a match for them. Finally, a ‘retained search’ service contract is used in many exclusive contracts.
If you have any further questions on thisĀ process, the CEO recruitment professionals of Construction Hunters are experienced and available to help you determine what is best for you.