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How Your Employer Brand Can benefit from a Bad Review

Posted on Tuesday, March 24th, 2015 at 12:46 am    

The Internet has revolutionized the way people do job postings, job searches and employer research. While most companies and job seekers look online for new opportunities and ways to connect with each other, the World Wide Web has also introduced a dark side to this approach. With the introduction of online reviews for every possible thing in all social media, blogs and other sites; people have started having a love/hate relationship with reviews. While most people read reviews to make decisions; business owners look at these as fabricated reviews by competitors to defame them or raise serious concerns against them which can affect their reputations.

The new internet age is all about talking and discussing on social media, blogs, posting reviews and sharing tweets. With this ongoing trend, it is most predictable there will be some negative reviews or comments from people but these should be taken on a positive note. For example, if a company decides to hire construction staffing services, it would first look for personal and online reviews from other employers and then decide whether or not to partner with them.

Negative comments only make your presence feel more real. Something that is all good looks “fake”. Consider negative reviews as feedback from real people and then learn and respond accordingly. It may be there’s some area that has been overlooked which needs improvement, such comments prove to be an eye opener. Never make the mistake of reacting negatively or rudely to something that has already gone viral. You cannot suppress or hide it. It’s better to have a positive attitude and embrace it gracefully and let people know you have improved to make your service better. Once done correctly, connect with those people who posted negative reviews and ask them to try the improved service and comment on their new findings. This will only increase trust and improve your branding.

You can’t please all the people all the time. Even the best known brands in the world have negative comments. The way you handle a negative remark or review makes all the difference; especially when you’re trying to change the way others think about your services. While there may be people with truly bad experiences there may be others who post reviews just for the sake of it. Always be prepared with a proper plan-of-action when handling online reviews because it can make or break your reputation and how you are perceived.