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How to Win More Construction Business

Posted on Wednesday, March 18th, 2015 at 3:03 am    

Construction employment has recently been on the rise and people are recruited for key positions, from entry level to management. But making such recruitment is not easy and staffing companies have to go through strict procedures to recruit the right person for every position. Most people stress how to lower recruiting expenses but the real challenge is to hire the best person in industry.

The road to success in hiring starts with having a unique approach to all the other recruitment agencies. New Jersey construction jobs demand high quality, skilled people and placement agencies are under constant pressure to deliver the best. Here are some ways that can help companies win more business and recruit better talent:

  • Quality of candidate vs. cost of hire: Always stress presenting the best candidates. Make a list of performance objectives and compare this to whether or not the candidate can achieve them. Quality is more important than saving a few dollars on recruiting costs.

  • Differentiate yourself from your competitors: Test new hiring processes that will help you choose the right candidate. See what works best for a specific business and then determine a plan-of-action. The most important thing is to test new recruiting methods that other in-house recruiters or placement firms are not utilizing.

  • Deliver results quickly: Build a powerful network that will help you reach quality candidates quickly and efficiently. The more time you take to fill a vacancy, the more expensive the hiring cost. So the only way to reduce this cost is to hire quality candidates quickly.

  • Partner with the hiring manager: Hiring managers can help you do your job. If you are still not working with one, find someone you can mentor so you can fill your jobs quickly.

  • There are many well-known highly skilled employees in the industry but not everyone knows how to identify and recruit them. Connecting with the right candidates makes all the difference.

  • High quality candidates don’t find it hard to get a job, but what they look for is career growth and opportunities. If you are able to convince candidates about growth in their careers, half the work is done.

The road to successful hiring is not rocket science, but you do have to try and test new methods which because the market is always changing.