I have a Human Resources Department that handles recruiting and staffing so why would I outsource it?
Many companies who have Human Resources Departments consider using outside recruiting firms because their existing staff may not have the time or expertise to effectively source top candidates for critical and difficult to fill positions. Many companies find that traditional recruiting methods (newspaper ads, job postings, referrals) do not consistently provide success in filling time sensitive and critical openings. Because today’s candidates can email their resumes with the click of a button, many HR Departments are overwhelmed by resumes that do not fit the mark. Wasted time spent sifting through resumes of job hoppers and candidates that have no relevant experience could be better spent talking to qualified candidates. Companies that outsource this important function find they save a lot of time and get better results working with an industry specific search firm, and we can guarantee that you will gain access to a broader pool of qualified candidates.
For all of your executive search and consulting needs, contact Construction Hunters at .