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5 Traits of Star Employees

Posted on Friday, August 12th, 2016 at 8:15 am    

“Hire people who are better than you, then leave them to get on with it… Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.”- David Ogilvy

The words of the Father of Advertising encapsulates the true essence of an ideal team member. Star employees do not believe in routine. You don’t need to micromanage them, because they create and find their own way to success. And it’s true for every industry – from advertising to construction industry.


How to identify whether a team member is truly zealous and goal-oriented or not

Below we’ve outlined a few traits of star team members. Read on –

1. Passion

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” -Steve Jobs

Great employees are passionate about their work and the organization they work for. A good employee can only perform when he loves his job. When hiring, ask candidates to describe their present workplace or work situation. See whether they show great enthusiasm while describing their work or not. Ask them about work-life balance. Find out their hobbies outside work. A passionate person has diverse interests and believes in maintaining a balance between personal & professional lives.

2. Strong Communication Skills

Star employees have exceptional communication skills. They do not just express their ideas vividly but, they also listen to others. When hiring a candidate, ask them whether they have handled difficult clients or not. You can even give them a simple task of explaining a difficult technical jargon to you. See how they’re explaining the word to you – check their body language, usage of words, and facial expression.

3. Detail-Oriented

Great employees pay close attention to details. They understand the ways to get organized and focus on small details and make a conscious effort to avoid mistakes. A look at the candidate’s appearance and their resume will give you an idea whether he/she is detail oriented or not. However, appearances can be deceiving. Thus, it’s better to ask questions related to construction projects they’ve handled.

4. Creativity

Star employees are creative thinkers. They think out-of-the-box, generate creative ideas to foster innovation. While hiring, make sure that the candidate can think of new and creative solutions to old problems. Give them a challenging situation that you faced and see what kind of solution they come up with.

5. Flexibility

The business landscape is constantly changing. And good employees are able to adapt to such changes and help your business expand. Assess the adaptability factor of the candidates you are interviewing. See whether they are willing to learn new skills or not. Ask them the challenges they faced in the last project and how they handled it. Adaptable people are problem solvers.

These traits of the best employees will help you hire the right candidate and build a strong team.

Are you looking for construction staffing agency in Texas? Get in touch with us today and leverage the experience of the best construction head hunters in the country. Call us at 214-935-3626.