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5 things to keep in mind before you start adding construction jobs in New York

Posted on Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 at 6:42 am    

If you are looking to add careers in construction you need to find a building construction recruiter in New York who understands your needs and is ready to build a long term relationship with you. The only way to sustain the pressures of the high stakes construction business in New York is to find a group of talented recruiters who understands your business. You are not just an internal resource but someone who will add value to the client and remain in the list of prospective employees in a construction recruitment company in New York.

Here are some of the key questions that you should not forget to ask before you apply with a recruitment company dealing in construction.

1. Does the recruitment company understand your needs? You are just not another worker in a long list of potential candidates. The recruiter should take the time and understand your personality and not just know your skills and compensation and type of work. Most recruiters who need candidates to suit their critical openings in the construction sector may not much beyond an in depth conversation with you. This is simply not acceptable.

2. Ask yourself if the recruiter has a process in place that has proven successful in the past. The selection process should be transparent and frankly the questions should be directed towards your experience. It is important that you deliver results and do exactly what needs to be done to do that.

3. Ask yourself if your recruiter is stretching the truth. You should be able to trust and have faith in your recruiter. Confidentiality is key too. Is the recruiter just playing with your trust and will eventually sell you to the client? These are clear questions you need to ask and be aware of.

4. Always make sure that your recruiter is excited to work with you. Construction jobs in New York are not easy to fill and require a certain modicum of conduct. You will be doing pressure filled work which is often dangerous. Having the right attitude is key.

5. Ask frank questions up front about retainer fee. If you find a good recruiter, it is important that you get desirable results. Often recruiters won’t tell you, so ask if a fee is required to get the desired results. Always remember that the key to a sustainable business relationship is always about the ultimate goal and that you and the recruiter’s goals are aligned.