5 Signs That you Should Become an Architect
Posted on Friday, April 15th, 2016 at 2:02 am
Do you enjoy creating and building things? Are you a dreamer? Do you enjoy problem-solving? Algebra, calculus, geometry and arithmetic don’t scare you? You’re inclined towards finding beauty in every manmade creations? If yes, then you have the innate qualities that an architect must possess. An architect doesn’t just design structures, he/she paints our imagination and infuses life into it.
Let’s discuss more here –
Love buildings and structures: Do you often find yourself smitten by the aesthetics of a building? You don’t consider buildings as man-made structures of steel, concrete and bricks; for you they’re living beings full of energy, personality and life.
You Think Creatively: Architects are creative people. They manipulate spaces to create extraordinary structures. They love creating buildings that speak. Yes, buildings do speak. Here’s what ALEJANDRO ZAERA-POLO, a famous contemporary architect said “I think that buildings speak for themselves…I think that buildings, like characters in good novels, take on a life of their own and hopefully survive in more or less a good condition.” Now, the question is do you understand what do these buildings speak? If yes, then you have an architect hidden deep within your subconscious.
You think Scientifically: Do You love finding the logic behind a structural composition? Your thinking process does not defy the laws of science? If yes, then you’re reading the right article. Architecture is an unusual combination of art, beauty, science and mathematics. Architects don’t fill up vacuum, rather, they create spectacular spaces with their artistic, realistic and investigative skills.
4. You understand the true meaning of the word sustainable: Buildings worldwide consume 40 percent of global energy and 25 percent of global water. Architects have a huge responsibility to take concrete steps to save energy.
5. You find inspiration all around you but still crave for logic: Quoting Zaha Hadid, the first female architect to win Pritzker Prize “Architecture is semi-artistic, but you are inspired by nature, landscape, biology, all living things. You can be far more ambitious now, you can make great spatial experiences, but one thing which hasn’t changed is that we have to deal with gravity, to land on the ground.”
Looking for a construction/architecture job in Texas? If yes, then we can help you. You can visit our office for a face-to-face discussion or call us at 214-935-3626.