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Heavy Civil Engineering Manager Recruiters

An engineering manager vacancy can keep a company from properly developing projects that require an extensive knowledge and management capacity for basic engineering concerns. These concerns can include setting up solutions for water control, highway traffic, and other complex problems that may require a very specific set of skills to handle. Engineering managers are responsible for running the teams that tackle these problems head-on, often providing elegant or cost-efficient solutions in otherwise difficult scenarios.

If you are looking to hire an engineering manager due to a vacancy in that important role, we can assist your construction firm the effort to find the right candidate for your needs. To discuss how we can find the kind of candidate you’ve been searching for, contact the heavy civil engineering manager recruiters of Construction Hunters, today at 214-935-3626.

What We Look for in Engineering Managers

A vacancy in an engineering manager position can be difficult to confidently fill without significant recruiting experience. These individuals need to balance core managerial skills with exemplary technical understanding.

At Construction Hunters, we look at the following when we consider engineering manager candidates:

  • Great technical understanding of engineering solutions
  • Spectacular managerial skills, especially in communication of goals and expectations
  • Strong understanding of cost efficiency in solutions
  • Good capability of explaining solutions to other teams and managers
  • Meets educational and work experience expectations

In addition to these basic requirements, we look for candidates who clearly match a company’s core values and beliefs. We look beyond the resume, trying to match valuable personalities with the companies that need them.

Contact Us

Recruiting an engineering manager can be a difficult process for your firm to go through alone, as the drain on resources and additional stress can quickly begin to pile up. However, it does not have to be this way. Our experienced recruiters can help you find the candidate you need at a much more reasonable cost. For more information about our services, contact a heavy civil engineering manager recruiter of Construction Hunters, by calling today.