Building Construction General Estimator Recruiters
General estimators are crucial team members for any construction firm. With the wide variety of expenses and requirements tied to any given construction project, it is important for an estimator to keep a close watch on the prospective expenses. Otherwise, costs can become unwieldy, making it difficult for the company to satisfy a client’s budgetary requirements or to profit from the deal. This can quickly jeopardize the firm’s standing in both the short and long-term.
If your business needs a new general estimator, our experienced recruiters can help your firm find the right candidate and save time doing so. For more information about our recruiting services, contact the building construction general estimator recruiters of Construction Hunters, by calling at 214-935-3626.
How We Evaluate General Estimator Candidates
At Construction Hunters, we closely evaluate candidates to determine whether they match closely with a company’s core values and their business needs. We consider important points like a candidate’s specializations, their history in the field, and whether they personally fit the company’s culture. We also examine the following:
- Educational background
- Strong organizational and planning skills
- Experience specifically with forecasting budgets
- Experience working with large teams on a project
We believe that it is important to be thorough when recruiting for a client, meaning that we work carefully to match the right candidate with the right company.
Contact Us
A vacancy in a general estimator position can interfere with your construction firm’s ability to take on new projects or properly carry out the ones that are already agreed. For help filling such a vacancy quickly and with a candidate whom you can trust has been very carefully evaluated, contact the building construction general estimator recruiters of Construction Hunters, at 214-935-3626 today.